Cowboy Archer

Here it is, baby! The truth you don’t want to handle.

Warning: It’s safer to go back to mainstream media where you can look the other way as America slaughters the world.


Please Walt, please lie to me. Please. I’m begging you, Walt. Please! Give me a quick fix of The Little Mermaid! Now!

Harvard’s Control

I’m pretty sure I posted this before, but I’ll post it again. Hopefully this diagram will give you an idea of Harvard’s power. Harvard isn’t powerful only because of its endowment which is roughly $40 billion; it’s powerful because of its relationships and alliances with other powerful institutions. Strategic alliances are what made Rome so powerful. Sure, the Carthaginians might win a battle or two, but Rome had many allies that would fight alongside it. There was simply no way for the Carthaginians to ultimately defeat Rome. Likewise, Harvard has many allies who are heavily invested in its success. The same could be said of King Louis XIV of France.

If you take the time to do a search on the so-called experts who appear on television you’ll find that an overwhelming number of them come from Ivy League schools and in particular Harvard University. They didn’t just come out of nowhere. That’s a media lie. The people who are presented to you come from somewhere; more often than not they come from either Harvard or one of its allies.

Why would this be the case? Well, it would be the case because Harvard was the first university in the nation which is still in existence. Sure there might’ve been some rundown schoolhouse somewhere, but Harvard was the first major institution. The Massachusetts Bay colony was one of the first colonies in America. The people who were in that colony weren’t stupid; they saw an opportunity to control the joint before anybody else did; which is what they did. It didn’t hurt them that they made strategic alliances with Criminal Corporate Britain.

Harvard is Great Britain’s beach head in the United States. If you think the British Empire is dead, you are very much mistaken. The City of London, not to be confused with London proper, is an extremely powerful financial center in the world today. Harvard University sold its soul to the elitism that Great Britain prosecuted for so many centuries. Harvard is in love with Great Britain and its institutions. Harvard loves Oxford. Harvard has sex six times a day with Cecil Rhodes.

It is the Harvard-MIT megaplex and their evil backers which is prosecuting this COVID-19 crisis. Their goal is to re-engineer society without your consent. That’s why they’re wrong; that’s why they need to be taken down.

Copyright 2021 Archer Crosley All Rights Reserved

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