Cowboy Archer

Here it is, baby! The truth you don’t want to handle.

Warning: It’s safer to go back to mainstream media where you can look the other way as America slaughters the world.


Please Walt, please lie to me. Please. I’m begging you, Walt. Please! Give me a quick fix of The Little Mermaid! Now!

Curing a Psychosis

How do you cure a psychosis? This is a relevant question in the age of COVID-19.

NYC just closed down its school system for children.

NYC did this in the face of hard data which demonstrates that children are amazingly impervious to the adverse effects of COVID-19.

In fact it is the children who, when allowed to commingle, will protect the elderly this year and next year.

What madness is this?

This madness is taking on a life of its own and has spread to the citizenry who have been scared and stampeded it into decisions that are hurting the country and its inhabitants.

The politicians lead the way.

But the politicians are not solely to blame. They reflect the will of the people.

The will of the people is created by the various media outlets in the Northeast.

New Yorkers are good people. It’s not their fault that they have been programmed.

Most people who grow up and live in the Northeastern Gulag are programmed. It is only those of us who have escaped the Gulag who have come to see that we were indoctrinated too.

There is a steady drumbeat of maternal totalitarian thinking that emanates from the principal newspapers in the Northeast. Those papers are the Washington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the New Yorker magazine, the Village Voice to name a few.

As long as this drumbeat continues to dominate New Yorkers’ minds, lockdowns and face masks are inevitable.

There seems to be little point in reasoning with these afflicted people, for if we reason with afflicted people, then we are mad for trying to do so.

All of this brings us back to where we started from which is: How do we cure a psychosis?

There seems to be no end in sight.

Nevertheless, there is always hope. Things are never as good or as bad as they seem to be.

First, let us not panic and call New Yorkers delusional. Afflicted people don’t believe they are delusional, so calling them such won’t do any good. It might make matters worse.

Second, let’s understand that people who are psychotic have fixed, false beliefs.

We can debate these false beliefs ad infinitum, but that misses the point. The point is that these beliefs, whatever they are, are repeated in a loop until they are fixed. The beliefs are exclusionary of anything contrary to what they espouse.

In the case of COVID-19, these beliefs are established and promoted by a main stream media.

An orthodoxy exists.

As long as the citizens of New York are exposed to this programming, they will continue to support the kind of thinking that leads to a lockdown and a shutdown of the schools.

The thinking of the citizens of New York is not illogical, but totally logical.

If you repeatedly tell New Yorkers that face masks work, that lockdowns work, that social distancing will solve the problem, that vaccines are right around the corner, then New Yorkers going to support a shut down of the schools.

So then, is the solution to tell them the opposite?

That would seem to be the logical thing to do; however, that approach has not succeeded.

Why has that approach – let’s call it the truth – not worked?

Principally because the same people who are indoctrinating New Yorkers into a particular way of thought are also indoctrinating them into thinking that anyone who opposes them is a dangerous nut.

So when you tell New Yorkers that they are delusional, you are reinforcing the wisdom of the authorities who have programmed New Yorkers to act the way that they do.

A different approach is therefore in order.

By telling New Yorkers that they are crazy is not doing us or New Yorkers good but is instead making us feel good.

It’s time to do good.

A better approach would be to say nothing and to do nothing while removing the noxious programming.

If we can convince New Yorkers to stop listening to the news, stop watching mainstream media, stop reading the New York Times and other establishment newspapers, then we stand a chance.

This could be accomplished either through cessation of activity or replacement of the coronavirus issue with something more productive.

We don’t have to offer any contrary point of view. New Yorkers are smart enough to figure out the truth on their own.

Their own common sense and reasoning will come to dominate and replace their nonproductive thinking.


Archer Crosley

Copyright 2020 Archer Crosley All Rights Reserved

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