Cowboy Archer

Here it is, baby! The truth you don’t want to handle.

Warning: It’s safer to go back to mainstream media where you can look the other way as America slaughters the world.


Please Walt, please lie to me. Please. I’m begging you, Walt. Please! Give me a quick fix of The Little Mermaid! Now!

  • Elites Versus Plebes

    Do you know what the problem with US foreign policy is? We want to stand up for capitalism in these various countries around the globe, but we don’t want to give the natives a stake in the game. It’s an impossible objective to achieve. The people will never defend with any vigor the slave capitalism…

  • Our Brutes

    Why are conservatives on television the way they are? Why do conservatives like Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, General Keane, and the usual cast of characters think the way they do? By the way, I usedto think like these guys. That’s right, I used to be on board with everything that they say. So…

  • Shame at Columbia

    Well, those young people at Columbia University and the other schools sure are giving it to the establishment, aren’t they? They are giving these preening fat cats a lecture on American democracy. They are telling them in no uncertain terms, if the establishment would only listen, what this country is about. Our leaders, the people…

  • The Right to Exist

    From time to time, we will hear the media talk about Israel’s right to exist. This will often be mentioned within the context of a supposed Jew-hater saying that Israel has no right to exist. What does it mean to have a right to exist? Does any nation have the right to exist? I would…

  • Our National Nightmare

    Our national nightmare known as election season once again is upon us. And once again two unqualified puppets of the oligarchy,Trump and Biden, are going to be our choices for president. What will ensue – no matter who gets elected – is another four years of nothing substantive being done to solve problems in healthcare,…

  • Tesla in Trouble

    So why is Elon Musk in China? He’s there because his company, Tesla, is faltering and he wants to boost the company’s position. So he’s off to China to find a new group of suckers. Good luck. Tesla is faltering because electric cars are not there. The people have spoken. They don’t want electric cars.…

  • True Protest

    The other day Congressman, Rick Allen, lectured the president of Columbia University, Minouche Shafik. He asked her whether she knew a particular verse in the scriptures: Genesis 12:3. “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you…” The verse relates to God giving Israel to the Jews. He then asks the…

  • Going to the Mat

    Have you ever wondered why the plebes (regular people) will go to the mat for the rich, and defend them to the death? What is it about the psychology of the plebes that enables the rich to lead them to their death in useless wars decade after decade, century after century? It is tremendously aggravating,…

  • Welcome to the War

    Welcome to the dog and pony show known as the upcoming Middle East war. It will be a totally unnecessary war. It only exist to make the wealthy Harvard and Ivy League educated elite – who own and run our corporations – wealthier. As I have stated, previously, all corporations benefit off war, because when…

  • Russian Meddling

    Why does the media keep talking about Russian meddling in our elections? Is it because it is so? No, media folks talk about meddling because they want to legitimize our elections. Russian meddling in our elections validates our electoral process. Do you get the thinking? If only the Russians did not meddle in our elections,…