Cowboy Archer

Here it is, baby! The truth you don’t want to handle.

Warning: It’s safer to go back to mainstream media where you can look the other way as America slaughters the world.


Please Walt, please lie to me. Please. I’m begging you, Walt. Please! Give me a quick fix of The Little Mermaid! Now!


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  • Kristallnacht and Chicken

    KFC recently ran a promotion linking Kristallnacht to selling its crispy chicken. They have profusely apologized. Yes, but you said it, KFC. You must have worked diligently on the campaign. I have to think that you thought it was a winner for you. So why is an apology good for you, but not for individuals?…

  • Celebrity Puppets

    Why are celebrities puppets? They didn’t used to be. Some always were, but many weren’t. With the advent of television and radio in the past century, the United States increasingly became centralized. Schools like Harvard began to “nationalize” themselves. Harvard and the Harvard cabal grew stronger. So did the mainstream media itself. It didn’t start…

  • Joseph McCarthy and Perspective

    Let’s put Joseph McCarthy in perspective. Did Joe McCarthy burn down cities? Did Joe McCarthy import drugs into the United States of America? Did Joe McCarthy fight useless wars abroad that killed thousands of Americans and millions of Third World inhabitants. Did Joe McCarthy outsource jobs? Did Joe McCarthy tear down statues of Ulysses Grant…

  • Meet the Fascists

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  • Greed and Destruction

    What’s wrong with the United States of America? Greed. The incessant quest for money when you already have too much is killing America and the world. These people in this link play a large part in the greed machine. I stumbled upon this company through a circuitous route. Jerry Jones and George Steinbrenner, when he…

  • Hey, Biden Supporters

    Hey, Biden supporters, I have a question for you. Where is the new healthcare plan? Where is the reform in student debt? Where is the end to the endless wars? Where is all the stuff you’ve been asking for? I’ll tell you where it went. It went the same place that Trump’s big plans went.…

  • The Super Toxin

    Here is something I wrote almost two years ago. I found it buried within the bowels of my computer, down deep. I’m not sure if I published it or not, but when I read it I was amused. Do I really believe this stuff? Of course I do. “Today at the Super Bowl, the CIA…

  • Afghanistan

    Who should we blame for Afghanistan? Fox News clearly has hunkered down in its bunker to put the blame on Biden. CNN responds by heaping the guilt on Trump. Sigh. It’s the same old game that the elites want to rope you into playing. Republicans versus Democrats. Please don’t get suckered. Please don’t get conned.…

  • Tom Hanks, Nice Guy? Veto!

    Tom Hanks, America’s Jimmy Stewart, veto, has a lot of guts and a lot of nerve for talking down to us with his narration of the new Cleveland Guardians video. Tom Hanks is a shill for the Empire. What Tom Hanks doesn’t understand is that he works for the guy who was appointed by the…